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Plant Doctor Nature's Soil Wetter

Plant Doctor Nature's Soil Wetter




  • Pasture/Turf Management: 10 Litres/Hectare (in minimum 600lt water)
  • Bowling & Golf Greens: 100ml/100m2 (2-4 weekly)
  • Fairways: 50-75ml/100m2 (4 weekly)
  • Home Garden and Lawns: 100ml/100m2 (2-4 weekly)
  • Potted plants: 10ml/watering can (monthly)



  • Seed Treatment: soak seed in solution (10ml/bucket water) overnight
  • Beneficial Microbe Stimulation: .....20 Litres/Ha (200ml/100m2) every 8 weeks
  • Sodium Management: 1-2 Lt with every 2nd Irrigation
  • Detoxification-Chemical Residues: 20 Litres per Hectare (200ml/100m2) often 2 or 3 applications will be required.


Plant Doctor Nature’s Soil Wetter combines premium complex organic compounds with cutting edge colloidal technology to produce an environmentally friendly, concentrated, predominantly plant derived soil wetting agent and soil conditioner.

It helps break the surface tension of soils to ensure the soil doesn't repel liquids, improves water penetration and holding capacity. Regular applications of Nature's Soil Wetter will help improve the soil structure of sandy soils and help break down clay soils.

Suitable for all environmentally sensitive areas incl. turf, lawns, golf greens, garden areas, sandy soils and clay soils, safe for pot plants, vegetables, fruit trees, natives etc.

Nature's Soil Wetter is Non-Toxic and has no Petro-Chemicals, Phosphates, harsh chemicals or solvents.



  • Substantially reduces the surface tension of water, improving infiltration into a hydrophobic soil surface. Improving hard to wet soils improved dramatically.
  • Increases plant-available water retention in hydrophobic sandy soils.
  • Excellent for Moisture stress and Dry Patch
  • Regular use improves soil, allowing it to hold fertiliser and water more efficiently.
  • Restores, renews lifeless soils
  • Helps remove toxic residues, heavy metals & binds salts
  • Increases longevity of Nitrogen (e.g. Urea up to 80 days)
  • Improves soil crumb structure
  • pH Buffer i.e. helps reduce/rectify pH extremes/issues
  • Saves time, labour & money



  • Powerful & concentrated
  • Effective immediately
  • Environmentally Friendly


Foliar Nitrogen boost

  • Nitrogen Stabilization: Include 10% of 'Nature's Soil Wetter' with your nitrogen source, i.e. 2 Litre/ 20kg Nitrogen. Compatible Nitrogen sources include Potassium nitrate, Urea, ammonium nitrate



  • Agitate well before use.
  • For best results water-in lightly after application.
  • May be incompatible with acidic materials including some sulphate-based trace elements and phosphate fertilisers. Jar Test if unsure of compatibility.
  • Keep out of reach of children.

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